Organizing your home is already stressful in-itself. How can adding another person into the mix make it a better experience? We can certainly understand how this could be a question in your mind if you haven’t worked with an expert organizer before.
We get it; inviting a stranger into your home may seem daunting. And letting an outsider go through your most treasured items may seem difficult too. However, we want you to know that we are experts in handling this process. We are here for you, and we promise that our passion is to create order and bring you and your home peace the peace that you are seeking by getting organized.
Here are some things you should know from the expert organizer’s perspective:
1. We don’t judge
We understand that you may feel embarrassed by someone else seeing your stuff. For some of our clients this is the biggest hurtle to actually getting the project underway We get it and we understand.
We take pride as expert organizers to accept you as you are. We aren’t going to make fun of you, dismiss you or criticize you for the state of your home. It’s our jobs to help and that is exactly what we are going to do. So don’t worry about the clutter or the mess; we’ve seen it all and it’s our goal to fix it so you can feel at home again.
2. Your home won’t look Pinterest perfect after the first session
We aren’t fairy godmothers and this is not HGTV. We can’t wave a magic wand and immediately make your home look like a Pinterest page or make it Pinterest perfect in one 30 minute segment. It takes time and effort from both you and your expert organizer to make a real difference.
Trusting our process is important. Often enough, it actually looks worse before it gets better. Me In Order has a proven 5 step organizing process which involves sorting and deciding. During this part of the process we are “taking apart” the space and it may look worse before it gets better. During this portion of the process you may look around and think that no progress has been made, but we promise that huge progress is actually happening and once we get to the next step you will begin to see the organization we are creating. Then, space by space we’ll begin to create order worthy of your Pinterest board.
3. The more you part ways with items the more organizing magic we can create
While not everyone chooses to have us help them thin out their items, it’s important to understand that the more you part with items the more you give us to work with during the actual organizing portion of the process. We give a home to every item in your home,you’re your space in many ways determines how much you can contain in an organized fashion.
We as expert organizers are trained experts that will guide you through the process of discovering what you truly need and what you are ready to part ways with. This may be the most trying part of the organizing process; but it’s a necessary evil that needs to be done in order to see the difference that you are expecting in your home and in your life.
4. We have a passion for people
As expert organizers at Me In Order, we are passionate about creating order, but we are even more passionate about people. We truly care about how our clients live and how they feel about their home. We make it our personal responsibility to provide our clients with spaces that make them feel relaxed, and at home, with as little maintenance as possible.
We believe that value in life comes from our relationships rather than our “stuff” and therefore want to help you create spaces in your home that are simply beautiful, efficient, and require the least amount of maintenance so that you have more time for what you love. At the end of the day, we are here for you and we care.
For more information about how to hire an expert organizer check out the Me In Order website at https://meinorder.com or to schedule on-line with a Me In Order Expert, go to: https://meinorder.com/schedule/.

Order University Content Creator