This past weekend, I attended my very first “adult” baby shower. My cousin is weeks from popping out her very first baby girl. For my family, this will be our first second-cousin, and we cannot contain our excitement!
I was so humbled to have been invited to celebrate the soon-to-be birth of Baby Campbell. My cousin was bursting with pride on the day of the shower; but after a long day of laughter, happy-tears, and endless amounts of food, she expressed to me how stressful her past few months have been and what she’s gone through to prepare for her baby.
I couldn’t imagine the amount of time and effort it takes to get ready for a baby, and honestly, it’s a good thing she had 9 months to do so! After a long talk with my cousin, I felt that my article this month should be directed towards those expecting a new little life.
This article will focus on how to prepare yourself, your home, and your life for your new baby, otherwise known as “Nesting.”
Nesting is the act of preparing your home (or your “nest”) for the next 18-years of child-rearing life. Picture cleaning your house for a party, but to the extreme. Here are some necessary things you need to do in order to get ready for baby:
1. Every Baby Item Needs a Home
There are many things that go into getting ready for baby, including large amounts of purchasing. You’ll need anywhere from baby bottles, baby clothing, new furniture, diapers, cleaning supplies AND a spare room to keep it all in.
It can become overwhelming seeing so many items come into your house; and I know the last thing you want to do is sort them, but it is necessary. You don’t want to wait until the last minute and come home after the baby is born to a room that is over flowing with baby supplies.
Take the proper amount of time to organize all of your baby gifts and purchases into their proper homes. Clothes should be hung in the closet, baby diapers should be stowed away, and toys should have a designated toy shelf or chest.
Trust me, this is probably the last time the room will be organized for a while, so take the time to do it now and establish a sense of organization for yourself when your child comes home for the first time. At the very least, you will know where everything is located for those first couple of days!)
2. Wash Everything…
….because honestly, it could be the last chance you have to do it for a while. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, towels, and your own clothes. Stock up on baby-friendly detergents because as soon as baby arrives, you will be washing endless amounts of onesies, nighties, and blankies.
My advice is to tackle your entire home as soon as you can. Wash even your rugs, wipe down the blinds, sweep the floors and wipe down your counter tops; because you don’t know how much time you will be dedicating to baby once he/she arrives, and it’s important to have a clean environment for your baby to come home to.
3. Organize your baby shower/birth announcements
My cousin actually delegated her baby shower to her mother, my mother, my aunts and myself. It was a smart move, in my opinion because she was able to enjoy her baby shower while we did all the work (and trust me, she deserved it!)
I recommend delegating the task of organizing the baby shower and the birth announcements to anyone who volunteers to help. By getting this off your plate, you will be able to focus on organizing your home, getting the necessary supplies you need, and prepping the baby’s room.
If for some reason you can’t get these things off your plate, then just keep it simple. You don’t need an elaborate and expensive party to celebrate your baby. A simple get-together with a few appetizers and a few friends is perfectly fine.
Also, if you don’t have time to make baby announcements, you can just create an event on Facebook. Social media is right at our finger tips nowadays and it takes little-to-no effort to announce an event online.
At the end of the day, it’s about quality not quantity. If you just simply don’t have time to do anything, then at least treat yourself to a spa day. We all know Mama needs a day to herself to bask in her glory and relax!
4. Clean out your fridge
When is the last time you cleaned out your fridge? I’m sure there’s something expired in their somewhere…and there is NO way you will have time to do this once the baby arrives. Get it done now while you still have time.
Toss out old cartons and old food, and even take this opportunity to crack down on what you are eating and if it is healthy and good for the baby during this time period. Keep it simple and convenient and stock up on goodies that make you feel good and make you happy. It’s all about you and all about baby!
5. Prepare for the big day
Before the big day arrives, pack your overnight bag with everything you’ll need including clothing for baby, clothing for you, a car seat, etc. You don’t want to be rushing around getting these items together the day of.
Before the big day, write down your list of people you need to contact once you go into labor; this includes you doctor, parents, friends, caretakers, etc. You don’t want to be fumbling to contact those who you really want to be there on your big day.
Finally, sit back and relax. You have worked 9 months for this moment and you are prepared. Your whole world is going to drastically change…but at least you will be organized and ready to embrace this new little life.

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