Start the new year off “in order” with healthy routines and habits. Need a few ideas? We’ve got you covered!
- Make your bed. This sets the tone for your organized day!
- Once you’ve gotten yourself ready for the day tidy up your bathroom.
- If you made breakfast, clean the dishes and put them away before you head out for the day.
- Run your dishwasher before you leave for the day. That way they are dry when you get home.
- Make a list on your smartphone of what you plan to accomplish today, and check them off as you accomplish them.
- While you are out and about, only purchase items if you have a “home” for them.
- When you get home put away whatever you brought home.
- Go through your mail every time you bring it inside. Don’t let it pile up!
- Put your keys in the same place everyday. Only put them down in their “home.”
- Empty out your dishwasher (if you started it before you left for the day).
- Take out your trash the night before trash pick up day.
- Go to bed with at least eight hours before your wakeup time.
If you’re looking for proven and trusted professional organizers, Me In Order’s got you covered there, too. Search now to find organizers in your neighborhood.

Article by:
Jeremie Barber
MiO Business Development Leader