September has been one hectic month; the school year started, holiday season is around the corner, and Hurricane Irma has left the building. It is now time to get your life back together.
The best way to combat a busy and stressful week is to stop, take a breath, and begin to organize and prioritize. Here are some tips that can help you pause and reflect on what truly needs to get done this week.
1.) Use that handy, dandy planner
The best investment I have ever made is buying a planner. At the start of each week, I take some time to go over my tasks that I need to complete. I document and color-code my tasks so I can distinguish between what is work-related, activities with friends, gym classes, etc. I also make sure to give everything a due date, just to help in identifying my task-completion timeline.
I prefer my planners to not only have the monthly-view section, but also individualized weekly-view sections with plenty of space so I can write out exactly what I need to do. By writing everything out, I can breakdown the actionable steps I need to take in order to complete each task. By planning out my tasks on paper, I can easily see what I need to prioritize for the week, and check completed items off as I go.
2.) Eat the frog
This is my favorite saying. Even though it might seem daunting, if you tackle the hardest task first, you will then be inspired to get everything else on your to-do list complete. This is a great way to battle procrastination. Now that I have written down my tasks for the week, I can easily see the biggest and hardest to-do item. I know if I can get that task done, I’ll be able to tackle all the other “small” items on my list. Plus, the satisfaction I get from completing a hard task is inspiring, and gives me the energy to keep going!
3.) Turn off “Work”
We have so much on our plate in our personal and professional lives. It’s important to take a step back and “turn off” your brain when your work day is done. By removing yourself from the professional world, even if it’s just for a few hours, you can refresh and renew for the days ahead. Plus, you can use those hours to focus on your personal to-do list i.e doctor appointments, bills, after-school activities, down-time, etc. I have found that even when I am beyond stressed out, if I take a few minutes to “turn-off” my work-mind, I can get some personal tasks complete which then gives me enough satisfaction and energy to enter back into work-mode.
4.) Hire an expert organizer
Here’s the thing; if you are already stressed out about accomplishing your day-to-day tasks in your professional and personal life, the last thing on your mind is your living area. As a result, your home could be seriously suffering from lack of attention; closets are overflowing, Tupperware is piling up, and clutter is surrounding you every which way.
By hiring an expert organizer, you can clean the clutter out of your home and out of your life. Our team at Me in Order is here to help organize the area around you so you can focus on getting your work done and spending your off-time with the people you care about. Our team will help bring order back to your home when life is happening around you. For more information about our services, check out the rest of our website, or give us a call at 866-971-1113

Order University Content Creator
Natalie enjoys pugs and Pinot Grigio.