Another month has come and gone, and we continue to flourish in 2021.
While things may not entirely be back to normal, we can relish the fact that we have made it through the most challenging times. Spring offers us the opportunity to start anew and to look at things from a different angle. Instead of seeing the cup half empty, we allow ourselves to see the cup half full.
One person who truly demonstrates positivity, perseverance, and dedication is none other than our Expert Organizer, Joanna.
Joanna was born & raised about an hour outside of NYC and lived in NJ before moving to Florida in 2007. In her previous life, she was a travel agent, so she was fortunate enough to travel to many exciting places and make great memories. Here’s more about our Organizer of the Month, Joanna:
Q1: When did you first realize you wanted to become a professional organizer?
Joanna: More than 20 years ago. It was always my dream job, but I was too scared to leave the safety of my 9-5 job.
Q2: What is your favorite part about being a professional organizer?
Joanna: Meeting and working with different types of people and being able to help them.
Q3: It’s been over a year since the COVID-19 outbreak. How has it been organizing during a pandemic?
Joanna: With more people working & schooling from home, spaces are serving double-duty, so you have to find a way to make everything work.
Q4. What was your most memorable organizing experience?
Joanna: Probably the first job I did on my own. I was organizing a client’s kitchen while she was in the next room. She came in when I was finishing up and was so surprised and happy with the results. She called for her husband, who was in another part of the house, to come to look. Then she called her (adult) children on the phone while I was standing there and was telling them about it. I was embarrassed, but it made me feel good, knowing it made that much of an impact on her.
Q5. If you could offer advice to someone entering the professional organizing industry, what would you say?
Joanna: I would suggest joining Me In Order, so you have a support team behind you. It makes the process so much easier than trying to do it on your own.
Joanna is an example of a self-starter who is determined to pave her way in the organizing industry. With Me In Order, she has every opportunity to do so! Want to know more about Joanna? Click here to get to know Joanna and schedule a consultation!

Certified Expert Organizer®