I feel compelled to write this article because it hits so close to home. Unfortunately, one of my good friends is going through a divorce. It’s heartbreaking to see her go through this process, and I can’t imagine the impact it is having on her mental health and her family. She is overwhelmed with emotions, she is constantly exhausted from trying to plan her next steps, and she is struggling each and every day to get through.
Divorce is one of the most physically, mentally and emotionally devastating experiences you can go through as a person. The world that you used to be so confident and comfortable in is turned upside down. The decision to separate from a spouse is likely not only to affect your sanity, but your family members’ sanity as well.
We understand how difficult it is to figure out the next step in the early stages of divorce. It can be exhausting trying to pick up the pieces and attempt to put one foot in front of the other each day. Sometimes, you can’t muster up the energy to get organized and figure out your next plan. An expert organizer can certainly be of services during a time like this. Me In Order is here to (simply) get your life in order and help you tackle your living situation as well as any other organizational situations that arise during the ups and downs of a divorce. We know you can’t handle this all on your own…so we are here to help.
1. We are unattached
Let’s be honest…you might need an extra brain to help you initiate your next step; and we are here to be you right-hand-man. We understand that you are going to be emotional and you might not be able to make decisions quite as easily since this is your life. We can help you filter through your items and decide your next step without being emotionally invested in the task at hand.
We are non-biased people on the outside of your situation; therefore, we can do what needs to be done without having emotions involved and we can stay detached. Our team of expert organizers can remain calm, cool and collected during a time when you or your family might not be able to. We can use the proper judgement and experience to help you decide what you need to do in regards to your items and next steps.
2. We can relieve your stress
We know how many different tasks you have in front of you. Finding a new place to live, arranging your children’s new schedules, moving, figuring out financial items…it’s a lot to deal with especially when you are also trying to heal from the separation.
Filtering through old photos, household items, and shared documents can bring up a lot different emotions and prevent you from completing tasks. The Me In Order team can take upon the tasks that may seem impossible to get through given your current state. By passing off the harder items on your checklist such as separating your items, packing, and organizing your next steps, you will be able to focus on healing as well as getting your life back on track.
3. We have the experience
We know that during a situation like this, time is of the essence. You have to get your affairs in order and you have to get your new life started…fast. Since we have done this countless times before with other clients, we know how to efficiently and effectively help you make the transition, especially when it has to do with moving into a new home.
We personally will help you schedule the movers, coordinate the move, filter through and pack up your items, based on where they will be going, be there moving day to coordinate the movers, unpack everything at your new location AND organize everything into your new residence. That alone, will save you hours of stress and anxiety.
We can also help organize your paperwork and figure out organizing systems such as shared calendars to keep you and your ex-spouse organized. All in all, our goal is to use our expertise and previous experiences to design the perfect organizational plan for you.
Divorce is devastating and it’s definitely not easy to get through, especially when you have a lot of items on your to-do list. By enlisting the help of Me In Order, we can help you during one of the hardest times of your life. We can get you back on track and ready to enter this new stage of your life.
Me In Order is here to guide you in any way you need to start your organizing project. If you are interested in learning more about how to hire an expert organizer, check out our Ultimate Guide To Hiring An Expert Organizer , or contact us today!

Order University Content Creator