Relocating for a New Job? Me In Order Can Help! | Me In Order

First of all…congratulations! This new job you just secured is going to be such an amazing new chapter in your life. Take a moment and bask in the excitement! Now back to reality…we get it; starting a new job is stressful enough and now, you have to deal with relocating for a new job.  We know how stressful it can be to make a big career change…but add a physical change on top of that, and we can only imagine how overwhelmed you must feel.

Thankfully, Me In Order is here to help you manage your relocating process while you focus on throwing yourself into your new career path. We’ve got the skills, the experience and the manpower to get you through these daunting tasks and get you settled and ready to take on the world in your new job role.

1. We will save you time

We are aware that time is of the essence. You probably secured your new gig with a relocation timeline in mind; and we know you don’t have endless hours to get it all done. We also know that you can’t do everything by yourself.

A group of experts will help reduce the time it could take one person to initiate tasks. Our team of expert organizers will help minimize the amount of work you have to do in order to prepare for your move.  We are here to tackle your to-do list for you for relocating.

The Me In Order team will first, analyze your timeline and put together a plan that works within your time requirements. We will help to make sure your plan establishes your goals while tackling each item full-force and in the most efficient way possible.

We can help save you time by taking certain tasks off your hands for relocating such as donating/trashing your items that will not be making it on the move. We will also handle packing your items, coordinating with moving companies and unpacking at your new destination.

2. We will set you up for success in your new home

The best part about hiring our team is that you will have us from start to finish during relocating. We are familiar with what you have and how you work as a person, because we have been with you from the start.

We will be there to help you decide what you want to take on your move, we will help you pack, and we will help you unpack in your new home according to a system that will work specifically for you in your new home.

We want your new space to bring you peace, happiness and functionality. How many people do you know that leave boxes unopened for weeks, months and (sometimes) years on end? This alone can be stressful and uncomfortable especially when you are trying to settle into a new job and a new space after relocating.

Our team of experts will efficiently get you settled into your new home. We will design each room for function and organize your items in a way where it is easy for you to maneuver in your new space as you get comfortable in your new career.

For example, if we know you are going to be on-the-go from sun up to sun down, we know that you will probably put off organizing your kitchen until you have a second to breathe. If we accomplish the task of unpacking your kitchen for you, imagine how much easier and less stressful it is going to be each morning you grab your coffee and go to work?

You’d be surprised, but a clean, functional and organized home actually can shift your mood. It’s crazy; but true.  Think about it; if you had a stressful day and come home to clothes piled up on the bed, papers scattered on the counters, and dishes in the sink, you automatically feel tension and are then feeling the anger of bad mood settling in.

The Me In Order team can make sure that you start your new career off on the right foot; with a clean, organized and functional home that will give you that extra peace you need to start your new job off strong after relocating. This will set you up for success for the months and years to come in your new space.

3. We can organize your files to prepare you for your new job

Me In Order is a jack of all trades; not only can we help you move, coordinate relocating, and settle you into your new home, but we can also make sure that your filing system is organized during this transition.

We pride ourselves in knowing the best strategies for keeping your paperwork, files, and important documentation organized.  A new career change can mean new processes especially when it comes to filing, paperwork, and structuring your work space.

We can work with you to make sure that you don’t lose any important documentation during the relocation transition. We can also set up your new work space in your new home and customize it to work specifically for you. We can also help you determine what is important to keep from your old job and what is unnecessary and needs to be tossed.

You’d be surprised how many documents are unnecessary to keep after you leave a certain job; but it’s important to take the time to go through everything to make sure you aren’t potentially getting rid of something you may need later. Our team can help you filter through these items and make sure they are properly filed if you may need to hold onto them during relocating.

We get it; a new job and a new location can be exciting but it can also be extremely stressful. We encourage you to take a deep breath and relax; we can help you through this long and overwhelming process and we can set you up for your new amazing career path ahead. Call now to schedule a consultation and get your plan in place for your new job, move and relocation today.

If you are interested in learning more about how to hire an expert organizer, check out our Ultimate Guide To Hiring An Expert Organizer , or contact us today!



Order University Content Creator

1 Comment

  1. We are a family of 3 moving from Tampa to Jacksonville. Looking to prepare our 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment for the move to our new house. In hopes of preparing for our new home, we would like to parse through our current stuff and look to having things more aligned with our new goals and lifestyle needs.

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