Articles by Jeremie Archives - Me In Order
My Professional Organizer showed up empty handed!

My Professional Organizer showed up empty handed!

If you’ve never hired a Professional Organizer before, you may envision them showing up to your home with a truckload of bins, containers and dividers of every shape and size. And while that may be what you have seen on TV shows, it’s probably not good for...
When Organizing Goes Too Far

When Organizing Goes Too Far

The Pinterest-perfect pantry. Is it going too far? You’ve seen the images. The pantry with all the matching clear containers filled to just the right amount so that they don’t look too full but not empty either. Every container is perfectly spaced and in...
New year, New routine

New year, New routine

Start the new year off “in order” with healthy routines and habits. Need a few ideas? We’ve got you covered!   Make your bed. This sets the tone for your organized day! Once you’ve gotten yourself ready for the day tidy up your bathroom. If you made...