Hiring an Expert Organizer Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Me In Order

Expert Organizers Need Organizing Help, Too

Many would say that the people who need organizing help are not organized people. However, this is often far from the truth. In fact, even expert organizers sometimes need the help of other expert organizers. It may sound weird, but it’s true! In today’s post, I would...
Why Hire an Organizer Instead of a Cleaning Lady?

Why Hire an Organizer Instead of a Cleaning Lady?

It’s time to set the record straight on organizing vs. cleaning. Over the 8 years that we have been in business, I have heard and I have seen ads for cleaning services offering organizing services. I have also heard people say that they hired an Expert Organizer...
How Long Will It Take Me To Get Organized?

How Long Will It Take Me To Get Organized?

If I collected a dime for every time I have heard that question, I could go on a great vacation.  Just about every lead, client and even many friends and family have asked that question.  The truth is, it depends on a whole host of variables, from the level of...