The term Professional Home Organizer is unknown to some and unclear to others. At first thought, most people believe that a professional home organizer is someone who simply rearranges clothes or kitchen items, but let me tell you, it is so much more. This job...
We have all seen pictures of spaces that are perfectly organized, places where everything matches and nothing is out of place, but when does it go from being organized to being OVER organized? As you would imagine, there are various levels of organization. We touch on...
The container business is a huge market that has grown more as we continue to buy. There are even large chains that only sell containers. You can find containers in any size, shape or color you could dream of! We are told that in order to get organized we need to buy...
Did you know that saving items you don’t use or need is actually costing you? The costs are not only financial but emotional and relational too. You may think that the cost of reorganizing, whether it’s with an expert organizer or doing it yourself, is too high, but...
There seems to be a tiny house phenomenon sweeping the nation, with numerous TV shows and Pinterest boards galore featuring these mini abodes. Though a tiny house might not be for everyone, they are good examples of how to use practical organization in small spaces....
Last week Kelly, the kids and I went to Disney World for the weekend. We had a fantastic hotel room with all the amenities. I was sitting in a big armed chair and found myself thinking, “Awe…I could just live here.” Have you ever stayed somewhere and found yourself...