Need some tips for tackling the holidays? Here’s how you can maintain your inner peace this holiday season with the professional organizers from Me In Order:
The holidays are officially here! While we anxiously await the glittering lights, the delicious meals, and the holiday movie marathons, we also mentally prepare for the chaos that this season brings.
This year has been unlike anything we expected, and while we are used to things being out of the ordinary, we are praying for an easy, relaxing holiday season. For some, this is doable; for others, it’s unattainable.
Me In Order recognizes that while this season is magical, it can also cause some unneeded stress. Here’s how you can maintain your inner peace this holiday season while also staying in the present (and giving presents!)
1. Find What Works For You
Tips for tackling the holidays – do what works for you! What works for one person, might not necessarily work for the other. If decorating is not your thing, don’t worry about it. If you enjoy polishing off a plate of pie, but don’t enjoy baking it, then that’s no problem. Finding the tasks that make this holiday season enjoyable, and not stressful is key to getting through the holidays.
We all dread cooking multiple meals, cleaning the house, and wrapping present after present, but find the things that truly spark joy during this time, and help make the holidays a little easier. You don’t have to do everything by yourself – seek out help from friends, family, and even professional organizers like the team at Me In Order! Delegate the tasks you dislike and simplify the stress in doing so.
2. Make A Plan & Stick To It
Tips for the holidays: Find a plan and stick to it! We all go into the holiday battle prepped with a game plan, but hardly do we ever stick to it. And we get it; sometimes things change. However, take the time to plan out your day, whether it means a timeline to getting the Thanksgiving turkey ready or a store-by-store strategy for holiday shopping, you can decide your next move.
Be constant in your schedule, and aim to accomplish the tasks on your plate. Give yourself a little reprieve whenever you finish a big task – whether that means a little treat or a break to sit and relax. Incentivize yourself to stick to your plan, and you’re bound to get through all those daunting tasks.
3. Start Early
Don’t wait till the last minute – start shopping, wrapping, prepping, organizing, and strategizing now. By waiting until the last minute, you risk the chance of getting overwhelmed and not getting to everything on your list. If you make a point to start your holiday plans ahead of time, you’ll have more time to spend with your family and friends and actually enjoy this beautiful time.
4. Be Your Own Cheerleader
If you start to get the holiday blues because you’re overwhelmed, be your own cheerleader. Remind yourself that you are doing a great job and you are handling everything with grace. Take a break if you need a break. Enjoy a glass of wine if you want a glass of wine. Cuddle your kids when you need a little love. You are doing just fine, and you are providing the best experience for your family. You’ve got this!
While the holidays are the most magical time of the year, they are also the most stressful. Take the time to truly prepare yourself for the holiday season with the help of Me In Order. While we can’t necessarily bake your turkey for you, we CAN make sure your home is organized, clutter-free, and a peaceful environment to share your special holiday moments! Let us help you tackle your to-dos today by starting with the place you will be most this holiday season – your home.
Me In Order is here to guide you in any way you need to start your organizing project. If you are interested in learning more about virtual organizing and how to hire an expert organizer, check out our Ultimate Guide To Hiring An Expert Organizer, or contact us today!

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