What is Circumstantial Organizing?
All of us are overwhelmed by our stuff at times. We live and cope with our overwhelm until a life circumstance suddenly makes it all too much, and we get stuck – not knowing what to do next.
Enter the Expert Organizer. They are the objective, unbiased and nonjudgemental helping-hands that make sense of it all and create order where there was once chaos.
We call it, Circumstantial Organizing
Whether you are starting a new chapter, or picking yourself up after an old one, a Certified Expert Organizer® powered by Me In Order is here to help make your transition smooth, easy, and one you won’t forget.
Whatever your circumstance, we’ve got the organizing help you need.
Cir.cum.stan.tial Or.gan.iz.ing
/sərkəmˈstan(t)SH(ə)l/ | /ˈôrɡəˌnīz,ing/
A system by which the organizing of personal belongings is conducted by focusing on the person, their circumstances and their goals, rather than the focus being on the physical items themselves. The result is systems of organization that work for the individual and are easy to be maintained.
Change in Household
Death in the Family
Remodeling Project
Lifestyle Change
New Marriage
New Baby
Illness, Injuries, Disabilities
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Call or text us at 866-971-1113
We are here to help Monday – Friday 9am to 6pm. Eastern Standard Time