Trying to get organized online? Me In Order has plenty of ways for you to get organized with our virtual organizing services and tips.
We’re sure that by now you have been through the 7 stages of quarantine:
Stage 1: Sleep
Stage 2: Binge watch Netflix
Stage 3: Eat
Stage 4: Sleep again
Stage 5: Zoom conference your entire family
Stage 6: Go slightly crazy
Stage 7: Finally decide to tackle your chores
Now that you have made it to Stage 7, you may be asking yourself how you can get organized online. Me In Order has plenty of ways for you to get organized with online help. Here are some of the ways you can get started on your project while you still have the energy to do so (and before you revert back to Stage Sleep again!)
1.) Find A Support System
The act of getting organized is not easy for some. Most need a cheerleader, a coach in their corner, or an inspirational guide to keep the motivation flowing. Whether you lean on your spouse, your best friend, or even a professional organizer, you can be assured that you will have the support you need to tackle your projects. There are plenty of ways to find these support systems online. Video conferences with friends, or video conferences with an expert will help you begin your organizing journey.
2.) Read Articles Online
There are plenty of articles, blogs, tips, and tricks to aid you on your organizing journey. Take the time to do your research and evaluate what tips you can use to help you begin your organizing project. Read articles about specific organizing situations, or read generic organizing blogs to get you inspired and energized to tackle certain rooms and spaces within your home.
3) Do Your Research
Take the time to read online reviews, ask your friends and family, and search for professional organizers in your area. The more you know, the more you can apply to your organizing project. Speak with a specialist, or designate some time to research specific organizing projects including before and after pictures, videos, and more. The important thing is to familiarize yourself with the experts in their field, and make a decision to start your project from there.
Read More: Certified Expert Organizers About Us
4) Get Started Now
Don’t wait until the last day of quarantine to get started on your organizing journey! The early bird gets the worm, so set aside the time necessary to work on your projects. If this means sending your children to the playroom to play, or implementing tech-free hours, do what you need to do to make sure you are focused on the task at hand. Take a deep breath, and just start!
Read More: Get Started With You Virtual Organizing Project
With technology at our fingertips, you have the opportunity to find the help you need to accomplish the tasks at hand. Thankfully, Me In Order is the expert source of information and is offering the perfect professional organizer for your project. We are still offering our in-home organizing services, but we are also offering our Virtual Organizing initiative which will help you get organized online with the guidance of a virtual professional organizer through phone, video, email, text, and more!
Me In Order is here to guide you in any way you need to start your organizing project. If you are interested in learning more about virtual organizing and how to hire an expert organizer, check out our Ultimate Guide To Hiring An Expert Organizer , or contact us today!

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