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General Home Organizing
If you are searching far and wide for home organizing, congratulations, you’ve come to the right place! We are all aware of what home organizing entails. But where does “general home organizing” come into play? The term “general” is defined as “wide spread” and...
Organizing Help and Information You Can’t Get Anywhere Else. It All Begins With…The Top 4 Ways You Benefit From Hiring A Certified Expert Organizer® Powered By Me In Order.
When you log off after a hard day at work, you envision the moment you get to walk through the door of your home. You crave kicking off your shoes, putting on a change of comfy clothes, kicking back, and relaxing. However, it can be hard to relax and enjoy the comfort...
Women to Watch: Diane Crespo
We are so proud of Certified Expert Organizer® Diane! She continues to take our Tampa market by storm! She is officially on Tampa Magazine's 2022 Women to Watch List! Check out her feature in Tampa Magazines: Women to Watch. If you are interested in learning more...
Spring Cleaning Tips from Our Certified Expert Organizers®
Spring has sprung and so has the need to get your life in order. The first quarter of the year is full of excitement for the new year, rebounding from the holidays, and endless to-dos and activities. But now, it’s almost halfway through 2022, and you find yourself...
Reuse or Recycle? 5 Items You Should Either Toss or Keep
When it comes to organizing your space, you may run into challenges when deciding what to keep or toss. You may be on one side of the scale where you’re ready to toss everything in sight. Or you may find it hard to part with every item because they hold sentimental...
Community Highlights: Read Diane’s Feature!
Shout out to Certified Expert Organizer® Diane and her feature in Voyage Tampa. Check out her story in Community Highlights: Meet Diane Crespo of Me In Order. If you are interested in learning more about how to hire an expert organizer, check out our Ultimate Guide To...
How to Ask for Help When You Need It
Some may find it daunting to ask for help. They feel as if they are inadequate, weak, or scared to admit that they are in need. Asking for help shouldn’t be a negative connotation, for it is a universal experience for all. Every person needs help sometimes. It can be...
Tackling Closet Clutter & Where to Start
Do you grimace in pain every time you open your closet door? Are your clothing items overflowing from drawers and barely hanging on to hangers? Do you wish you could wave a magic wand and have your closet become perfectly color-coordinated and organized? While...
January 2022 Badges
We are hands-on Expert Organizers and while our passion is for people, we also value being the best in the organizing industry. And to be the best, you have to keep investing in yourself. That's why, education, certification, and community are just the tip of the...
Pull Those Weeds
I recently came across the elusive downtime. I haven’t spent much time here in a while. It feels unfamiliar. With technology these days, can anyone remember the last time they were bored? I find myself looking forward to long traffic lights or having to wait in line...
How to Set Up an Effective Filing System
It’s officially the end of January, which means all those high hopes of sticking to your New Year’s resolution are slowly starting to dwindle. While we want to keep the high hopes of accomplishing our goals for the new year, some seem to lose sight of their wants as...
Cleaners, Designers, Stagers, and Organizers – What’s the Difference?
Sometimes, people have difficulty understanding the differences between professionals that are in similar or complementing industries. So, to help, Me In Order has put together a post describing those jobs that are similar to Professional Organizing. That way, you...
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