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December 2021 Badges
We are hands-on Expert Organizers and while our passion is for people, we also value being the best in the organizing industry. And to be the best, you have to keep investing in yourself. That's why, education, certification, and community are just the tip of the...
How to Not Keep Items for Others
Set the scene: it’s Christmas Eve, and your grandmother pulls you into her living room. “I’ve been saving this for you since you were little,” she states and pulls out a giant bin of vintage ornaments, yellowing wrapping paper, and dilapidated picture frames. While...
Me In Order’s “Get in Order for the Holidays” Checklist
It’s finally the holiday season! Cue the colder weather, shorter days, and ever-present Christmas music! While we all long for the holiday season, once it actually gets here, we can experience a sense of overwhelm. The holidays evoke beauty and anxiety...
Yelp, Angi, Find My Organizer, and Thumbtack vs. Me in Order
When it comes to searching for a professional organizer, you might not know where to start. There can be a variety of avenues to find the best person to get the job done. You might start by asking a friend for a recommendation. Maybe you look for advertisements in the...
Organizer of the Month: Kelly
The holidays are quickly approaching and with that, our mindsets may be shifting for the new season. The day-to-day pace is faster, the workdays feel shorter, and the year is hastily nearing to a close. As we continue to shift from month to month and holiday to...
Organizer of the Month: Ruth
Have you ever wanted to completely switch careers? Do you find yourself searching on Indeed or GlassDoor and scroll through pages and pages of new opportunities? Maybe you simply are looking to do something different? We totally get it - sometimes you just need a...
5 Intrusive Thoughts That Are Keeping You from Getting Organized
We all have intrusive thoughts that run rampant in our heads, especially when we don’t want to do something. The excuses fly back and forth, and the justifications come willingly; it’s just so easy to come up with a reason why we don’t want to tackle a chore, try...
Organizer of the Month: Maggie
It’s that time of the month yet again to honor one of our shining stars in the Me In Order community! As the craziness of the year continues, it’s always important to stay positive, grounded, and grateful for the people who continue to make incredible strides. Maggie,...
Why You Don’t Want to Do Project Pricing for Organizing
Picture this: you’re researching the best professional organizer in your area. Your home needs some help, especially with the kids going back to school, summer ending, and prepping for the holidays that are quickly approaching. So, you decide to enlist the help of a...
Organizer of the Month: Diane
July is the month known for relaxing in the summer sun, enjoying the outdoors, and resetting for the next season ahead. While this is true for most, an Expert Organizer is on their game 24/7 - we aim for YOU to relax while we get the work done! The dog days of summer...
4 Things We Secretly Never Get Rid Of
Everyone has that one pile. That one drawer. That one closet that they refrain from opening. Every person has that one thing (or many things) that they can’t seem to part with and nothing anyone can say will ever change their mind. We’re all guilty of it, but for some...
Organizer of the Month: Joanne
The first six months of the year have flown by! As we begin to enter the second lap of the year, we are excited to know that good things are on the horizon, not only for Me In Order but for the world in general. The world is opening back up and things are starting to...
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Insider membership is always free.
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In order to access the curriculum at Order University™ you must be an active Me In Order Expert Organizer.
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Email digests are sent out once per month. You may also receive articles as they are posted via RSS feed.
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